Oh Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say!!!!!!!!

It was so interesting how the day unfolded after lunch. I returned to my office to check my voice mail and discovered a very irritated lady that had left a message. Upon returning her call she began to, well how do I say it UNLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! on me. She began to say things and call names of people that had done things to her, which by the way I had no idea who this lady was or any of the people she was talking about.
After about 5 minutes I was able to break into the one sided conversation and ask her what she was talking about. Long story short she had called the wrong church. I am so thankful that I was able to keep my cool. I was then able to help her with the steps she needed to take to fix the problem she was dealing with. I couldn't see her face, but if it was anywhere close to the color of mine when I am quick to speak and slow to think, then the color was definitely RED.
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